Withdraw XAI from Binance

Binance has recently completed the XAI Mainnet integration and opened deposits


Withdrawal Opening: Binance will enable withdrawals for XAI once there are sufficient deposits. Keep an eye on official announcements or check the withdrawal page regularly.

When Binance enable withdrawals for XAI, follow these steps to withdraw XAI:

Step 1: Log in to Your Binance Account

  • Navigate to Binance and log in to your account.

Step 2: Navigate to the Withdrawal Page

  • Once logged in, find the "Wallet" option, usually located in the top right corner of the screen. Click on it, then select "Fiat and Spot."

Step 3: Search for XAI

  • In your Fiat and Spot wallet, locate the "Withdraw" button. Click on it to proceed to the withdrawal page.

  • On the withdrawal page, search for XAI in the search bar. Make sure you've selected the correct token (XAI).

Step 4: Enter Withdrawal Details

  • Once XAI is selected, you'll need to enter the withdrawal address for your XAI wallet. This is crucial: ensure that the address is correct and compatible with the XAI Mainnet to avoid losing your funds.

  • Enter the amount of XAI you wish to withdraw.

Step 5: Select the Network

  • If prompted, select the XAI Mainnet as the network for withdrawal. This option should automatically be set or be the only option available due to the integration.

Step 6: Confirm and Withdraw

  • Review all the details of your withdrawal request. Binance will show you the withdrawal fee and the final amount you'll receive.

  • You may be required to complete a security verification process, such as entering a code sent to your email or phone.

  • Once everything is verified, confirm the withdrawal.

Please Note:

  • Withdrawal Opening: Binance will enable withdrawals for XAI once there are sufficient deposits. Keep an eye on official announcements or check the withdrawal page regularly.

  • Security Checks: Always double-check the withdrawal address and network. Mistakes can result in the irreversible loss of tokens.

  • Discrepancies in Translations: For the most accurate and up-to-date information, refer to the original English version of any Binance announcements regarding XAI withdrawals

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Last updated