KaleidoCube NFT

KaleidoCube offers a series of 9,999 distinct digital collectibles, known as KaleidoCube NFTs, each existing as a digital asset on the XAI blockchain.

What is KaleidoCube?

KaleidoCube is a unique NFT collection on the XAI blockchain, featuring kaleidoscopic art.

Each piece is a randomized distinct combination of

  • A special cube

  • A unique inscription mascot

  • A vibrant background.

The Purpose of KaleidoCube NFTs

KaleidoCube offers a series of 9,999 distinct digital collectibles, known as KaleidoCube NFTs, each existing as a digital asset on the XAI blockchain. Possession of a KaleidoCube is more than just owning an NFT – it's the Membership Pass into the elite KaleidoCube Royal program, opening doors to a realm of exclusive, member-only privileges

KaleidoCube Allocation

1,000 KaleidoCube will be allocated to $Xai airdrop holders through a first - come, first - served (FCFS) free mint (Event Completed)

1,000 KaleidoCube will be allocated to Zealy Quest Participants through a first - come, first - served (FCFS) free mint (Event Completed)

7,000 KaleidoCube will be available to the wider community via a public mint, also on an FCFS basis. Available at 10 $XAI per mint. Mint here

999 KaleidoCube will be set aside for the team and earmarked for future use.

How to Mint a KaleidoCube NFT

  • (On-going) Public Mint: Available at 10 $XAI per mint. Mint here

How to Deposit $Xai to XAI Network

  • Buy $Xai from your preferred exchange.

  • Withdraw to your wallet via the Arbitrum network.

  • Deposit to XAI Network using the Arbitrum Bridge.

Always do your own research and use the correct links.

Note: This document is a living document, continuously updated to strategically align with our roadmap and development. As the Kaleido ecosystem evolves, so too will the information and policies outlined here, ensuring they remain relevant and reflective of our ongoing journey and aspirations. We encourage our community and stakeholders to stay engaged for the latest updates and developments.

Last updated