
KaleidoMarket is a premier NFT Marketplace within the KaleidoCube ecosystem designed for artists, creators, and collectors to trade NFTs seamlessly on the XAI blockchain.

Key Features

Royalty Fee: 5%

The Kaleido NFT Marketplace honors the creativity and hard work of artists and creators by implementing a 5% royalty fee on sales. This ensures that creators continue to benefit from their work even after the initial sale, providing a sustainable model for ongoing compensation.

Listing Fee: 2%

To maintain a high-quality marketplace and cover operational costs, a nominal listing fee of 2% is charged. This fee is designed to be low enough to encourage listings while ensuring the platform's sustainability and development.

MintGuard: Ensuring Value for Early Supporters

MintGuard is a protective feature designed for NFT marketplaces. It guarantees that the listing price of an NFT cannot be set lower than its original mint price. This ensures that early buyers' investments are safeguarded against devaluation, maintaining the NFT's initial value and encouraging a fair trading environment.

MintGuard Badge: A Mark of Trust

An NFT collection that incorporates MintGuard protection receives a "MintGuard Badge." This badge serves as a symbol of trust, indicating to buyers that the collection upholds the value of their early support. It reassures the community that their investments are protected and recognized.

Vision and Mission

Aligned with the broader mission of KaleidoCube, the Kaleido NFT Marketplace is committed to supporting and enhancing the Arbitrum ecosystem. A portion of the marketplace's revenue, including royalty and listing fees, will be strategically reinvested into the ARB ecosystem. This includes

Strengthening the Arbitrum Ecosystem

  • Accumulating $ARB: Investing in $ARB tokens to support and have a stake in the ARB DAO, influencing the ecosystem's growth and governance.

  • Participation in ARB DAO: Our accumulation strategy is designed to secure a meaningful role in the ARB DAO, allowing us to partake in pivotal decisions.

Strengthening KaleidoCube Ecosystem

The benefits reaped from our involvement in the ARB DAO will be strategically reinvested into the KaleidoCube ecosystem, ensuring sustainable growth and development. Below is the Distribution Plan for ARB DAO Revenue (This plan is adaptable and subject to change based on future directions and strategic needs)

  • KaleidoDAO (60%): A substantial 60% of the returns will be directed to KaleidoDAO, empowering our community governance and ensuring decisions that reflect the collective vision.

  • Development Fund (20%): This fund is dedicated to the ongoing development and improvement of the KaleidoCube platform, ensuring it stays at the forefront of technological advancements.

  • Ecosystem Growth Fund (20%): Focused on broader ecosystem expansion, this fund supports new initiatives, partnerships, and community-building efforts.

The Kaleido NFT Marketplace isn't just a transactional platform; it's a community-driven space designed to elevate the NFT landscape on XAI & Arbitrum. By integrating fair compensation models for creators and aligning with the broader vision of supporting the ARB ecosystem, we aim to create a marketplace that benefits all stakeholders and fosters innovation in the digital art world.

Note: This document is a living document, continuously updated to strategically align with our roadmap and development. As the Kaleido ecosystem evolves, so too will the information and policies outlined here, ensuring they remain relevant and reflective of our ongoing journey and aspirations. We encourage our community and stakeholders to stay engaged for the latest updates and developments.

Last updated