Raising KaleidoPet

KaleidoPet Key Stats and Their Influencing Factors


  • Gradual Decrease: Happiness levels decrease over time and are influenced by factors such as Hunger and Hygiene.

  • Happiness Scale: Measured on a scale where 0 represents 'Unhappy' and 100 indicates 'Happy'.


  • Gradual Decrease: Hunger levels decrease over time and with engagement in activities.

  • Hunger Scale: Measured on a scale where 0 represents 'Hungry' and 100 indicates 'Full'.


  • Gradual Decrease: Hygiene levels decrease both over time and through participation in various activities.

  • Hygiene Scale: Measured on a scale where 0 represents 'Poor Hygiene' and 100 indicates 'Well Hygiene'.

Experience Points (XP)

  • Primary Source: Increases mainly through playing MiniGames.

  • Ways to Gain XP:

    • Completing MiniGames: Successfully finishing MiniGames results in a boost in XP.

    • Special Food or Supplements: Consuming these can also contribute to XP gain

Managing Your Pet's Stats

  • Regularly check on your pet to maintain its Happiness and Hygiene levels.

  • Engage in MiniGames and Battles judiciously to balance Hunger and XP gain.

  • Strategic care and interaction will ensure your pet's well-being and growth.

Note: This document is a living document, continuously updated to strategically align with our roadmap and development. As the Kaleido ecosystem evolves, so too will the information and policies outlined here, ensuring they remain relevant and reflective of our ongoing journey and aspirations. We encourage our community and stakeholders to stay engaged for the latest updates and developments.

Last updated