
KaleidoPad is the LaunchPad within Kaleido ecosystem designed to revolutionize project launches on the XAI blockchain. As a dedicated platform for Initial DEX Offerings (IDOs), KaleidoPad offers a seamless, efficient, and equitable launch mechanism for emerging projects, fostering growth while supporting the broader ARB and KaleidoCube ecosystems.

Key Features

IDO via KaleidoCrowdsale Factory

  • Whitelist and Non-Whitelist Access: Ensuring a fair and inclusive approach, our platform supports both whitelisted exclusive sales and open sales for the wider community.

  • Efficient Launch Process: Leveraging a crowdsale model, we streamline the IDO process, making it accessible and straightforward for projects of all sizes.

Flexible & Fair Fee Structure

  • Supporting Project Success: Our fee model is designed to be both flexible and fair, aiming to support projects in their launch phase while ensuring sustainable revenue generation for the KaleidoCube Ecosystem and its communities.

  • Revenue Reinvestment: A portion of the fees collected will be strategically reinvested into the ecosystem, promoting growth and further development.

Comprehensive Consulting Services

  • Business Model Consulting: Offering expert insights to help projects refine their business models for maximum impact and sustainability.

  • Growth & Marketing Consulting: Providing tailored marketing strategies and growth consulting to ensure successful project launches and ongoing visibility.

Mission & Vision:

Aligned with KaleidoCube's commitment to the Arbitrum ecosystem, KaleidoPad serves as a catalyst for innovation and growth within ARB. By supporting new projects in their journey from ideation to launch, we not only contribute to the diversification and enrichment of the XAI & ARB ecosystem but also reinforce our collective mission to foster a decentralized, community-driven blockchain environment.

A portion of the revenue, including listing fees, will be strategically reinvested into the ARB ecosystem. This includes

Strengthening the Arbitrum Ecosystem

  • Accumulating $ARB: Investing in $ARB tokens to support and have a stake in the ARB DAO, influencing the ecosystem's growth and governance.

  • Participation in ARB DAO: Our accumulation strategy is designed to secure a meaningful role in the ARB DAO, allowing us to partake in pivotal decisions.

Strengthening KaleidoCube Ecosystem

The benefits reaped from our involvement in the ARB DAO will be strategically reinvested into the KaleidoCube ecosystem, ensuring sustainable growth and development. Below is the Distribution Plan for ARB DAO Revenue (This plan is adaptable and subject to change based on future directions and strategic needs)

  • KaleidoDAO (60%): A substantial 60% of the returns will be directed to KaleidoDAO, empowering our community governance and ensuring decisions that reflect the collective vision.

  • Development Fund (20%): This fund is dedicated to the ongoing development and improvement of the KaleidoCube platform, ensuring it stays at the forefront of technological advancements.

  • Ecosystem Growth Fund (20%): Focused on broader ecosystem expansion, this fund supports new initiatives, partnerships, and community-building efforts

Kaleido LaunchPad is more than just a platform for IDOs; it's a comprehensive support system for emerging projects on the XAI blockchain. With our equitable launch process, flexible fee structure, and consulting services, we're here to ensure projects thrive.

Note: This document is a living document, continuously updated to strategically align with our roadmap and development. As the KaleidoCube ecosystem evolves, so too will the information and policies outlined here, ensuring they remain relevant and reflective of our ongoing journey and aspirations. We encourage our community and stakeholders to stay engaged for the latest updates and developments.

Last updated