
KaleidoSwap is the forefront Automated Market Maker (AMM) Decentralized Exchange (DEX) in the KaleidoCube ecosystem. Forked from the reputable UniSwap V2, KaleidoSwap offers an advanced, user-friendly, and secure platform for seamless token exchanges on the XAI Blockchain.

Vision and Mission

At the heart of our vision for KaleidoSwap is the commitment to Arbitrum as our foundational home. We believe in the power and potential of the Arbitrum ecosystem and its decentralized governance model. A significant portion of our trading fees will be converted to $ARB, accumulating a substantial stake in the ARB DAO. This strategic alignment not only strengthens our position within the ecosystem but also allows us to actively participate and contribute to the governance and future direction of Arbitrum

Strengthening the Arbitrum Ecosystem

  • Accumulating $ARB: A portion of KaleidoSwap's trading fees are systematically converted to $ARB tokens.

  • Participation in ARB DAO: Our accumulation strategy is designed to secure a meaningful role in the ARB DAO, allowing us to partake in pivotal decisions.

Strengthening KaleidoCube Ecosystem

The benefits reaped from our involvement in the ARB DAO will be strategically reinvested into the KaleidoCube ecosystem, ensuring sustainable growth and development. Below is the Distribution Plan for ARB DAO Revenue (This plan is adaptable and subject to change based on future directions and strategic needs)

  • KaleidoDAO (60%): A substantial 60% of the returns will be directed to KaleidoDAO, empowering our community governance and ensuring decisions that reflect the collective vision.

  • Development Fund (20%): This fund is dedicated to the ongoing development and improvement of the KaleidoCube platform, ensuring it stays at the forefront of technological advancements.

  • Ecosystem Growth Fund (20%): Focused on broader ecosystem expansion, this fund supports new initiatives, partnerships, and community-building efforts.

UniSwap V2

What is Uniswap V2

Uniswap V2 is a popular automated market maker (AMM) protocol that enables peer-to-peer token swaps without the need for a central order book. It utilizes liquidity pools funded by users to facilitate trades, offering several advantages like:

  • Permissionless: Anyone can create and participate in liquidity pools.

  • Decentralized: No central authority controls the protocol.

  • Automated: Trade execution is governed by smart contracts, ensuring transparency and security

Why Fork Uniswap V2?

While Uniswap V2 is a robust platform, forking it allows for:

  • Customization: Implement unique features or functionalities to cater to specific needs.

  • Security & Reliability: Leverage the stability and security of UniSwap V2.

  • Brand Recognition: Leverage the familiarity and reputation of Uniswap V2 to attract users.

KaleidoSwap Key Features

Decentralized Trading

  • Wallet-Based Trades: Users retain full control of their assets with direct wallet-to-wallet trades.

  • Diverse Token Selection: A broad array of tokens, available for trading and liquidity provision, will be onboarded as XAI continues to grow

Liquidity Provision

  • Incentives for Providers: Contributors to liquidity pools earn fees, incentivizing ongoing participation.

  • Robust Liquidity Pools: Diverse pools ensure stable and efficient trading.

Integration with the Kaleido Ecosystem

  • Cross-Product Synergy: KaleidoSwap is harmoniously integrated with other products like KaleidoCube and KaleidoPet.

Security and Reliability

  • UniSwap V2 Foundation: Leveraging the stability and security of UniSwap V2's tested and proven platform.

  • Smart Contract Audits: Regular audits to ensure the highest security standards.

User Experience

  • User-Friendly Interface: Designed for accessibility to cater to a wide user base.

  • Engaged Community Support: A strong community for user support and feedback.

KaleidoSwap is more than a DEX; it's a strategic participant in the XAI & Arbitrum ecosystem, dedicated to fostering a robust, decentralized, and user-centric trading experience.

Note: This document is a living document, continuously updated to strategically align with our roadmap and development. As the Kaleido ecosystem evolves, so too will the information and policies outlined here, ensuring they remain relevant and reflective of our ongoing journey and aspirations. We encourage our community and stakeholders to stay engaged for the latest updates and developments.

Last updated