Participate in Whitelist Tiered IDOs on KaleidoPad

Participating in Initial DEX Offerings (IDOs) on KaleidoPad offers both new and seasoned investors an opportunity to be part of groundbreaking projects from their inception. Here’s how you can get involved:

Participation Process

Participation in IDOs on KaleidoPad is structured around a tiered system, designed to reward community engagement and investment in the ecosystem through the staking or locking of $KALEI tokens for specified periods

  • Lottery Allocation & Guaranteed Allocation: Access to IDOs is determined through a combination of lottery allocations for broader community participation and guaranteed allocations for higher-tier members.

  • Staking Requirement: Users must stake or lock $KALEI tokens for a certain period to qualify for participation tiers.

Participation Tiers

TierEligibilityCooldownStake $KALEI

Tier 1: Lottery

Eligibility for lottery-based allocation, offering a chance to participate in IDOs.



Tier 2: Guaranteed Allocation

Assurance of participation in IDOs, with allocations guaranteed based on the amount of KALEI staked.



Tier 3: Higher Weight & Private Sales

Increased allocation weight, providing access to larger shares and exclusive private sale opportunities.



Tier 4: KaleiCouncil

The highest tier, offering significant influence and access, including advisory roles on project selections and strategic decisions.



How to Join an IDO

  1. Stake KALEI: Determine the tier you wish to participate in and stake the corresponding amount of KALEI tokens for the required period.

  2. Register for IDOs: Follow the registration process for upcoming IDOs, which may include joining whitelists or participating in

  3. Win Allocation: The IDO Wihitelist Winners will be published in KaleidoCube’s main TG and Twitter channels approximately 24H before the IDO along with other information such as IDO Purchasing time, Claiming, and listing details.

  4. Claiming: If you have won an allocation and participated in the IDO, the IDO tokens can be:

    • Automatically airdropped into your wallet without you having to claim them. This further simplifies the IDO process on KaleidoPad.

    • Claimed manually from KaleidoPad IDO Dashboard.

  5. Stay Informed: Keep an eye on KaleidoPad announcements and updates to understand specific requirements for each IDO.

Participation in IDOs on KaleidoPad is a unique opportunity to support and grow with the most promising projects in the blockchain space. By engaging with the ecosystem through $KALEI tokens, you not only gain access to exclusive investment opportunities but also contribute to the vibrancy and success of the KaleidoCube ecosystem.

Note: This document is a living document, continuously updated to strategically align with our roadmap and development. As the KaleidoCube ecosystem evolves, so too will the information and policies outlined here, ensuring they remain relevant and reflective of our ongoing journey and aspirations. We encourage our community and stakeholders to stay engaged for the latest updates and developments.

Last updated