Hatching KaleidoPet

Hatching Process:

  • Hatching Contract: A KaleidoCube NFT will be locked in a hatching contract to begin the egg hatching process. If hatching is successful, the contract will automatically unlock and release the NFT back to its owner.

  • Hatching Periods: Each egg requires a waiting period before it can hatch. The hatching period automatically lengthens following each successful hatching.

  • Speeding Up Hatching: Users can reduce the hatching period by using $KALEIP.

KaleidoCube NFT Holder Benefits

  • First Access to Pets: Gain exclusive early access to pets via the Hatching Process.

  • Egg Exchange Limit: Each KaleidoCube has a capped number of egg exchanges.


As the game progresses, users will have more ways to acquire eggs.

  • KaleidoPoint: Eggs can be obtained using $KALEIP earned through daily check-in & in-game activities.

  • KaleidoPet Mall: Alternatively, users can purchase eggs directly from the KaleidoPet Mall.

Note: This document is a living document, continuously updated to strategically align with our roadmap and development. As the Kaleido ecosystem evolves, so too will the information and policies outlined here, ensuring they remain relevant and reflective of our ongoing journey and aspirations. We encourage our community and stakeholders to stay engaged for the latest updates and developments.

Last updated